Monday, 19 March 2012

Are You A Chancer?...

Stochastic process, or 'Chance' Music

'Instead of dealing with only one possible way the process might develop over time (as in the case, for example, of solutions of an ordinary differential equation), in a stochastic or random process there is some indeterminacy described by probability distributions. This means that even if the initial condition (or starting point) is known, there are many possibilities the process might go to, but some paths may be more probable and others less so'

Iannis Xenakis was a composer that employed the use of his UPIC system, where by the musicality can be influenced by the engraving of lines and envelopes on a tablet. Employing this methodology ensured that the outcome of the piece is entirely dependent on randomised decision making, almost generative. When we add or subtract, extend or condense at non specific points, the music is made from the process. Its interesting to think how one could approach the 'etching' for a work and how influential this may be on the piece itself.  He also integrated music with architecture, designing music for pre-existing spaces, and designing spaces to be integrated with specific music compositions and performances. This interesting as he is using a space to as a prequesit to his work and vice-versa, and by employing this methodology, a direct link to input and outcome can be witnessed.

Equal Chance

I have included a link, noted above, which deals with some interesting conceptual ideas which in turn help influence work from two main inputs 1) Continued methodology 2) Serendipty and the Converegence of random variables. So, how does this fit?....

'A set of random variables is called identically distributed, if each random variable in the set has the same distribution function. It is called independent and identically distributed if the random variables are independent and identically distributed. A common abbreviation for inde- pendent identically distributed random variables is IID' 

Are You A Chancer?....

This helps to highlight the groups remit for how a certain methodology can influence ones work. One could directly employ the use of a chancing a dice roll or coin flip, but what is more interesting, is how one can be controlling over 'chance' itself, as it were, so that the element of random actions can be more conducive for the creation of art in all disciplines. With this in mind we can influence the ingredients 'going in' so that we may lean upon the results we actually want, or we can completely disregard this ideal, and stick with the the 'chance favours the brave' methodology.

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